Riva CRM Integration - Documentation and Knowledge Base
Errors & Troubleshooting
Items That Were Previously Synced and Then Deleted Will not Resync in Email
Issue Riva displays the following error: Skipped Appointment in [Exchange, Google, or HCL Notes] - Skipping detected CRM change for a deleted or declined appointment that originated in [Exchange, Google, or HCL Notes]: Cause This...
Level-2 Conflicts for Skipped Appointment Sync Explained
Issue Exchange appointment items are skipped due to a "Level-2 conflict". 2020-02-11 07:34:39,272 INFO [CTP-kuy #2861] [003XXXXXXXXX] [XA] Level-2 conflict detected on CA2608: Exception of type 'Omni.Sync.Level2ConflictException' was...
Implement a Rolling Maximum Start Date filter for Email to CRM Calendar Sync
Issue When syncing a recurring series of appointments with no end date (or an end date far in the future) from Exchange to a CRM that does not support the concept of a recurring appointment, Riva takes a long time creating many single...
Resolving an "Error Contains Filter Wrong Type" Issue
Issue in Riva Cloud or Riva On-Premise The following error appears in the sync logs: Error - Error occurred clearing items: an internal server error occurred: [Error Contains Filter Wrong Type] The Contains filter can only be used for...
Solution for: Riva Put Sent Items into Inbox, After Sync with CRM
The new article titled New solution for: Riva put sent items into Inbox, after sync with CRM supersedes this article, number 435. (Article number 435 is no longer being maintained.) By default, Riva moves outbound email from Riva...
Error: Unable to Connect to Remote Exchange Server with Given Credentials
Symptoms Riva stops syncing, and the CRM Monitor application reveals the same error in every user's activity monitor window: Troubleshooting An examination of the most recent crmex-log file in the \Riva\Logs folder reveals the...
Changing Password for Riva Connection to Exchange or Office 365
This article is about credentials-based Riva connections to Office 365 or Exchange. In Riva 2.4.45 or higher, Office 365 connections can also be set up with an OAuth certificate or OAuth Client Secret. For more information, see Create an...
WebDAV is Unavailable or Responds with Errors
For Exchange 2007, Exchange WebDAV Services are used in combination with the Exchange Web Services (EWS) to provide additional capabilities not yet supported by EWS. For Exchange 2010, WebDAV is no longer available and all functionality...
Solutions in Riva for EWS Server Response Timeout Issues
In some environments, the Exchange server response times can be very slow due to network connectivity or performance issues. This is more often the case when dealing with hosted Exchange services. Extending or Reducing the Timeout...
Error: Unable to Connect to Exchange Due to Missing Timezone Information
Applies to Riva Cloud & Riva On-Premise when syncing Exchange On-Premise or Microsoft 365 mailboxes. Issue Users receive the following error when synchronizing appointments from Exchange: [XA] Error occurred polling for changes...
Error synchronizing to Exchange: "Full Access Permissions"
SYMPTOMS: Customer reported adding a new user to a sync policy.  On the initial sync for the new user, the CRM Monitor reported a failed connection.  Examination of the crmex-log file reveals the following error: 2011-11-22...
Sync Error: Unable to access shared mailbox of target user
Issue The Exchange connection error "Unable to access shared mailbox" may occur for one of the syncing users: 2012-01-23 05:30:22,629 INFO [CTP-rjr #836] [1744274139] Connection to Exchange Server failed: Unable to access shared...
EWS Error: Unable to connect to server: [ErrorServerBusy]
Example found in a crmex-log file The error, displayed in the CRM Monitor, also appeared in the log file. 2012-01-16 16:10:42,118 INFO [CTP-uox #6689] [374875395] (AssignTo) Processing Opportunities 2012-01-16 16:10:42,275 WARN...
EWS Error - Unable to Connect to Remote Exchange Server with Given Credentials
A customer reported seeing "Unable to connect to remote Exchange server with given credentials" errors in the CRM Monitor. Examination of the crmex-log files revealed the following error: 2012-01-16 16:14:56,120 INFO [CTP-uox #6706]...
EWS Error: Unable to connect to server: [ErrorConnectionFailed]
Issue The Riva Service Monitor displays Error - Unable to connect to server [ErrorConnectionFailed], and the following error appears in the crmex-log files: 2012-09-06 10:49:53,477 INFO [CTP-giz #0] [1815628545] [XSIF] Polling for...
How to reconfigure Riva after Exchange Server crash
Before reconfiguring the Riva server after a major Exchange system crash, there are several different circumstances to consider: Was the Exchange system restored to the same version using normal system restore procedures from system...
Riva Service Monitor Reports EWS/CRM Connection Has 407 Http Proxy Authentication Errors
Issue In the Riva Manager application, when a test connection is performed on an EWS connection, the test passes; but the Riva Service Monitor application reports 407 Http Proxy Authentication errors for EWS connections for the same...
Impersonation Test Error: Riva Cannot Resolve Mailbox of Target Users
Applies to Office 365 and Exchange (EWS) connections to Riva. Issue The following sequence of events occurs: The SMTP address has no mailbox associated with it. The connection test for the Riva EWS connection passes. The...
Resolve Outlook Mailboxes "Over Limit" Due to Overly Large Mass of Attachments
Issue User Exchange mailboxes are "Over Limit". Possible Cause The total size of attachments synced from the CRM to the email system caused the affected user's mailboxes to become full. This issue can occur especially during the...
Error: Unable to initialize: No mailbox with such guid
Riva administrator reported encountering an "Unable to initialize: No mailbox with such guid" error after removing an Active Directory / Exchange user and recreating the user's account. 2013-02-08 15:16:27Z : [200PFXMKT4HS]...

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