Riva CRM Integration - Documentation and Knowledge Base

Manually Upgrade Riva from Version 2.4.31 or Higher

Article ID: 96
Last updated: 26 Mar, 2021
Note: This article applies only

You can also upgrade Riva to the latest public release — without having to contact the Riva Success Team first — if some requirements are met.

To manually update Riva On-Premise version or higher from a ZIP file:

  1. Go to the URL that the Riva Success Team or a Riva developer has given you, select the file that you were advised to download, and download it. (Contact the Riva Success Team.)

  2. Save the .zip file to any folder outside the Riva server folder structure.

  3. Right-click the .zip file, and select Properties.

  4. In the window that appears, on the General tab, if the Unblock check box exists, select it, and then select OK.

    • If the Unblock check box is not visible or doesn't work, use the following Powershell command to unblock the file:

      get-childitem {path of the Riva zip file} | unblock-file

  5. Open the Riva Manager application.

  6. On the menu, select Check for Updates.

    If you do not see Check for Updates, select Tools and then select Check for Updates.

    Either way, on the menu that appears, select Manual Update (Offline from ZIP file).

  7. In the Open window, browse to and select the Riva installation ZIP file, and select Open.

    A "Processing ..." window appears while Riva runs the manual update process. Riva extracts the ZIP file, copies the files into the applicable Riva server folders, and re-installs any Riva windows services.

    When Riva has finished the manual update process, an Updating Riva is successfully completed! message box appears.

  8. Take note of the version number, and select OK.

  9. Close the Riva Manager application.

  10. Confirm that Riva has been upgraded to the release version that you took note of.

Article ID: 96
Last updated: 26 Mar, 2021
Revision: 16
Views: 12712
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