Riva On-Premise 2.4.52 (2019.01.16) Release Notes
Article ID: 1828
Last updated: 26 Nov, 2020
These release notes provide a quick overview of what is new in the following release:
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What's New in This Release
Learn more about the latest features and user experience improvements for Riva On-Premise.
For more information, follow the links from these release notes or contact the Riva Success Team.
CRM-Specific Updates
- New! Riva flow actions: Real-time Salesforce sync of calendar events and contacts:
Salesforce automatically sends real-time calendar event and contact change notifications to the Riva connection account.
Riva can be configured to use the notifications to expedite the sync of Salesforce events and contacts to the email system.
Latency may occur.
For more information, see Riva Flow Actions.
- Enhanced support for Chatter files:
Now, an improved attachment sync makes better use of the flexible permissions model of Chatter file libraries.
To enable the improved attachment sync, three advanced options need to be applied to the connection.
- New! Ability to sync a contact list to an opportunity:
- The contact list can be synced to an opportunity as secondary contacts.
- This helps with tasks delegation, visibility of opportunity progress, or dividing ownership among the users.
- To enable the functionality, an advanced option needs to be configured for the connection.
Dynamics CRM
- Simplified connection:
In the CRM Connection Edit window, the Include organization name in URL check box has been removed.
Reason: Riva automatically retrieves the organization name. If the name is required in the URL to connect with Dynamics CRM, Riva includes it in the URL.
Email-Specific Updates
Office 365
- Pull notifications are now supported for Office 365 OAuth connections:
Note: Pull notifications were already supported for Exchange and credentials-based Office 365 connections.
Obtaining change notifications from Office 365 can be up to 90% quicker than polling EWS for the changes.
For more information on Pull notifications, see Change notifications for Exchange UCD.
Office 365 and Exchange
- Enhanced autosynchronization of emails based on a conversation:
When the replies and subsequent emails of a conversation are automatically and successfully synced to the CRM, a second category is now assigned to them: "Implicitly processed".
- The category is used as a reminder that the email was synced automatically.
The "Implicitly processed" category is applied to the email along with the "Processing complete!" category, which is applied to every successfully synced email.
- Note: In your system, the category name "Processing complete!" may have been changed.
New Sync Features
- New! Preventing first sync conflicts when using an onboarding chain:
- What is an onboarding chain?
- A first sync or initial sync should normally occur only once for a user, because if some of the processes of a first sync are repeated, duplicates of existing entries may be created in the CRM or email client.
- To prevent the accidental repetition of a first sync for a user, various first sync protection settings can be configured. For example, a setting causes the sync process to look for a hidden set of files inside a mailbox that indicate that the mailbox has already been synced. If those hidden files are found, a first sync is prevented.
- If such a setting is in place, then when a user has been synced by the first policy of an onboarding chain and has been moved to the second policy in the chain, a first sync conflict would occur when the second policy executes. The sync process would discover the hidden set of files inside the user's mailbox and would prevent the first sync from occurring for that user in the second sync policy. The same issue could occur for any subsequent policy in the chain.
This version of Riva introduces a mechanism that works around the first sync protections that would normally take effect when executing a second or subsequent onboarding chain sync policy,
The workaround consists in configuring a first sync re-initialization option in the second sync policy and subsequent sync policies of an onboarding chain.
To configure a first sync re-init option:
- Start the Riva Manager application, In the right pane, double-click a policy to edit it.
- In the CRM Connection Edit window that appears, select the Advanced Options tab.
- In the right pane, select First Sync Re-Init.
- In the window that appears, select a Type (= re-init option). For descriptions of the re-init options, see Re-initializaton options.
- New! Ensuring that the organizer syncs first:
Background: If a syncing attendee makes a change to a meeting and is synced before the syncing organizer, the attendee's change overwrites the meeting.
Now, it is possible to configure Riva so that the organizer syncs before all the attendees. To attain that goal, the attendees' sync of the meeting is postponed by one cycle.
Note: If the organizer cannot be determined or is not synced by Riva, the attendees' sync of the meeting is not postponed.
Tip: This functionality works well with the pure or hybrid attendee modes.
- To sync a syncing organizer before the attendees:
- Changed default behaviour when syncing private shared appointments:
The changed default behaviour applies only to sync policies created with Riva 2.4.52 or higher.
When executing sync policies created with previous versions of Riva, syncing a private shared appointment from the CRM always removes the attendee list and the contents from the synced appointment in the email system.
Now, by default, when executing sync policies created with Riva 2.4.52 or higher, the Riva sync does not remove the attendee list and contents from the synced appointment in the email system. It is possible to configure Riva 2.4.52 or higher to revert to the previous behaviour.
- New! Ability to map a user's sync history to a new user while retaining the old user name:
Background: In technical terms, the sync history is called metadata.
Normally, when a user is renamed, the metadata is remapped from the old name to the new name, and the old name is removed from the policy.
Now, when a user is renamed with the new feature, the metadata is remapped from the old name to the new name, but the old name is retained — without increasing the license count.
For more information, see Rename user while retaining the old user name.
- Change of default for privatized meetings:
Previous default behaviour: Any of the attendees could unprivatize a privatized meeting, but it was possible to configure Riva to allow only the email-system attendee who privatized the meeting to unprivatize it.
New default behaviour: Only the email system attendee who privatized a meeting can unprivatize it. There is no need to configure Riva to achieve that result.
UI Enhancements for Riva On-Premise
- The transition to the "new UI" has been completed:
The "classic UI" is no longer supported. Its main menu bar was horizontal, across the top of the Riva Manager application.
In the new UI, introduced as an option in Riva 2.4.50,
- The main menu is vertical, to the left of the Riva Manager application.
- Less navigating is required than in the classic UI: the connections and sync policies are displayed on one page, in the right pane.
In the new UI, other improvements shall continue to be made, starting with this release.
For a description of what you can use the New UI menu items for, see the Riva Manager application overview for Riva 2.4.52 or higher.
- New window: First Sync Protections:
This window groups the most commonly used settings designed to prevent the accidental initial sync of users.
To access the window:
- Start the Riva Manager application. In the right pane, double-click the policy to edit it.
- Select the Advanced Options tab, and then select Sync Protections.
- Enhanced UI for AWS Key Management Service (KMS) cryptography:
The Certificate Update Tool has been renamed Certificate and AWS KMS Update Tool.
The tool now enables
- replacing a certificate with another certificate or AWS KMS encryption; or
- replacing AWS KMS encryption with a certificate or other AWS KMS encryption settings.
For more information, see Encrypting a Riva connection's credentials.
- New. Ability to re-initialize users from the Riva Service Monitor:
In previous versions, using the Riva Manager application was the only way to re-initialize users.
Now, it is possible to re-initialize users from a second location as well: the Remote Services tab of the Riva Service Monitor. Specifically, in the middle pane of the Remote Services tab, right-clicking Resolved Entities and selecting Reinitialize opens a window that is identical with the Re-initialize page in the Riva Manager application.
- New tool to validate and import directives:
This tool is for the Client Engagement Team to assist you more effectively when they use directives to customize your Riva On-Premise system.
Article ID: 1828
Last updated: 26 Nov, 2020
Revision: 34