Article ID: 518
Last updated: 30 Jul, 2018
Importance of Controlling the Concurrent Syncing of UsersIf too few users are synced at the same time, the sync process is unduly slow. If too many users are attempted to be synced at the same time, errors result. For example, when the Riva CRM Agent service makes too many concurrent requests against a target web application service (email or CRM), the target service reports that the remote server is unavailable or reports timeout errors.
Controlling the Concurrent Syncing of Target UsersControlling the maximum number of users that are synced at the same time can be done at two levels: At the Policy LevelWhether a Riva deployment requires one or more sync policies, every sync policy can be configured with its own maximum number of users that are synced at the same time. The number is set by adjusting the number of execution threads. Execution Threads: Every target user consumes one execution thread per sync cycle. If the Execution Threads setting is set to 3 (default), three users can be synced concurrently. Riva-supported range: 1 through 100. The actual maximum value that is achievable may be restricted by the CRM and/or email system. Set this value to best match your environment.
Tip: You might like to use the thread calculator. At the Riva Server LevelIf there is only one sync policy, it is not worthwhile to set a Riva-server-level maximum number of execution threads; set the number only at the policy level. To set the maximum number of execution threads for a Riva deployment that uses multiple sync policies:
Use a dialog boxRiva 2.4.47 or higher.
Configure an App.Setting file to define the global maximum number of execution threadsRiva 2.4.2 or higher. — Note: For Riva 2.4.47 or higher, we recommend using the dialog box. The App.Setting must be applied against the CRM Agent Service and uses the following setting key and value: Crm.ThreadPool.MaxThreads = n, where n is the maximum number of threads. (Default: 100. Riva-supported range: 10 through 100. The actual maximum value that is achievable may be restricted by the CRM and/or email system.) Refer to How to create an App.Setting file to enable advanced options to create or modify the appropriate .config file for the following CRM Agent services:
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