Riva CRM Integration - Documentation and Knowledge Base
Advanced Options & Settings
Custom Option to Set Logging to Record Appointment Start Times in UTC Only
Riva logs the appointment start time for each sync event. Default Behaviour If the user's timezone is available, Riva shifts this time to the user's local time zone. If it is not available, Riva optionally shifts the timezone to...
Advanced custom options to set CRM poll limits per sync cycle
Any one user with an enormous sync can eat up all the memory and bring the whole server to a crawl. Apply the Advanced Option Riva 2.4.33+ includes a custom option that can control the maximum number of items a user can poll per...
Custom Option to Reset Company Name If CRM Contact Assigned to Different Account
A customer reported that if he re-assigns a CRM contact to a different CRM account, Riva does not sync the update to modify the Company value in the Exchange CRM contact. Explanation The default is that Riva will not sync contact...