Riva CRM Integration - Documentation and Knowledge Base

SmartConvert: Skip Processing Email or Appointment If Certain Recipients or the Sender Match Defined Email Domains

Article ID: 955
Last updated: 12 Jul, 2017

Riva can filter the SmartConvert matching of email and appointment recipients on the basis of an email domain (or email address). These filter options also work on the automatic email processing of the Inbox and Sent Items folders.

Riva 2.4.34+ includes advanced custom options that can be applied to a sync policy or CRM connection to

  • Skip relating the email to the item OR skip the entire item processing if the email address matches the value set on the option; and optionally
  • Specify the location (TO, CC, FROM, BCC) where the email should match.

Custom Options

Sync.Crm.OnBlockedEmailAddressSkipEntireItem - If there is a match, do not process the entire item. (Do not sync the appointment, task or email.)

Sync.Crm.OnBlockedEmailAddressSkipMatch - If there is a match, do not relate the attendee or recipient, but still process the item. (Do not sync the appointment, task, or email related to the match.)

Options to Skip Entire Exchange Item (Appointment or Task or Email)

If there is a match, do not process the entire item:

Sync.Crm.OnBlockedEmailAddressSkipEntireItem.RegEx - Filters recipients for all SmartConvert modules including calendars.
Sync.Crm.OnBlockedEmailAddressSkipEntireItem.RegEx.[module] - Filters recipient for specified module.
Sync.Crm.OnBlockedEmailAddressSkipEntireItem.Location - (Optional.) Filters recipients against the defined location. (If not provided, all location types are matched.)
Sync.Crm.OnBlockedEmailAddressSkipEntireItem.Location.[module] - Filters recipients against the defined location for specified module.


Sync.Crm.OnBlockedEmailAddressSkipEntireItem.RegEx = @abc.com
Sync.Crm.OnBlockedEmailAddressSkipEntireItem.RegEx.Appointment = abc.com|def.org
Sync.Crm.OnBlockedEmailAddressSkipEntireItem.Location.Appointment = From


  1. For Regex, the value defines the filter that will be literally applied. For example, if the value is abc.com, Riva accepts john@abc.com and john@123abc.com. If the value is @abc.com, the filter is specific to @abc.com.
  2. Location defines the sender and recipients to apply the Regex filter against. Values include To, From, Cc, Bcc (all of which are case sensitive).
  3. Multiple values can be defined, separated by a "|" pipe symbol. Do not allow any spaces in the value string. For example, abc.com|def.org is correct, while abc.com | def.org is not valid.

Options to Skip the Matched Contact and Process the Item (Appointment or Task or Email)

If there is a match, do not relate the attendee or recipient, but still process the item:

Sync.Crm.OnBlockedEmailAddressSkipMatch.RegEx - Filters recipients for all SmartConvert modules including calendars.
Sync.Crm.OnBlockedEmailAddressSkipMatch.RegEx.[module] - Filters recipient for specified module.
Sync.Crm.OnBlockedEmailAddressSkipMatch.Location - Filters recipients against the defined location.
Sync.Crm.OnBlockedEmailAddressSkipMatch.Location.[module] - Filters recipients against the defined location for the specified module.


  1. For Regex, the value defines the filter that will be literally applied. For example, if the value is abc.com, Riva accepts john@abc.com and john@123abc.com. If the value is @abc.com, the filter is specific to @abc.com.
  2. Location defines the sender and recipients to apply the Regex filter against. Values include To, From, Cc, Bcc (all of which are case sensitive).
  3. Multiple values can be defined, separated by a "|" pipe symbol. Do not allow any spaces in the value string. For example, abc.com|def.org is correct, while abc.com | def.org is not valid.


Sync.Crm.OnBlockedEmailAddressSkipMatch.RegEx.Appointment = abc.com
Sync.Crm.OnBlockedEmailAddressSkipMatch.RegEx = abc.com|def.net
(Example of multiple domains separated by the "|" pipe symbol.)

Sync.Crm.OnBlockedEmailAddressSkipMatch.Location.Appointment = From
Sync.Crm.OnBlockedEmailAddressSkipMatch.Location.Appointment = From|Cc|Bcc

Riva performs the filtering for matched CRM contacts and leads by default. If you want to include CRM users in the filter, add an extra filter that specifically identifies CRM users.

Sync.Crm.OnBlockedEmailAddressSkipEntireItem.RegEx.Appointment = abc.com
Sync.Crm.OnBlockedEmailAddressSkipEntireItem.RegEx.Appointment.User = abc.com
Sync.Crm.OnBlockedEmailAddressSkipEntireItem.Location.Appointment = From

Sync.Crm.OnBlockedEmailAddressSkipEntireItem.Location.Appointment.User= From

By default, Riva always includes the syncing user in the match even if there is a SkipMatch filter for the user's email domain name. Apply the following custom option to filter the syncing user (current user):

Sync.Crm.EmailReferenceResolution.AlwaysAddCurrentUser.Email = false

List of Valid [Module] Names

The modules names used by Riva are listed in the article How to rename the base module folder name.

Note: Not all module names apply to every CRM.

If domain names are not being filtered

Our lab test and customers have confirmed that using the period character (.) in a Regex expression that defines a domain name (for example, abc.com) normally works. Some customers, however, have reported that the Regex expression does not filter email and appointments for the defined domain name or names.

The issue is caused by the fact that the period character has a special meaning in Regex. To mean a literal period in Regex, we must precede a period with the back slash character ( \ ). For example, to skip appointments if any contact or lead exactly matches the domain abc.com, define the key as follows:

Sync.Crm.OnBlockedEmailAddressSkipEntireItem.Appointment= @abc\.com

Applies to

  • Riva On-Premise for Exchange
  • Riva 2.4.34+

Article ID: 955
Last updated: 12 Jul, 2017
Revision: 6
Views: 5713