Riva CRM Integration - Documentation and Knowledge Base

Prepare GoldMine for Riva

Article ID: 415
Last updated: 21 Sep, 2022

This article describes how to prepare GoldMine and the Riva server to support a Riva impersonation CRM connection to GoldMine.

To prepare GoldMine for Riva:

  1. Prepare the host Windows system.
  2. Prepare the GoldMine installations.
  3. Prepare a Riva connection account in GoldMine.
  4. Prepare the target user accounts in GoldMine.
  5. Gather information for creating the Riva GoldMine connection.

Step 1: Prepare the Host Windows System

Riva server can be installed on any Windows system that meets the system requirements — 32-bit Windows is preferred. Riva can be installed:

  • directly on a GoldMine server
  • on a GoldMine client (preferred)

Confirm that you can log in to the GoldMine application by using a master account and a normal user account.

Step 2: Prepare the GoldMine Installations

GoldMine versions 8.5,+, 9+, 2013+ and above have been tested for Riva CRM integration.

More GoldMine-specific preparations are required if you install Riva on:

Windows 64-bit system preparations

If GoldMine and Riva are installed on a Windows 64-bit system, a DLL error may occur when you run the GoldMine connection wizard. This is caused by a 32-bit GoldMine DLL that is not properly registered in Windows. To resolve the issue, register the GMXMLAPI.DLL file.

Riva on a GoldMine Server

If Riva is installed on a GoldMine server, the GoldMine connection wizard works and impersonation tests succeed, but when Riva attempts to sync data to the CRM, connection attempts fail with an error that Riva cannot find the GoldMine license file. This is because the GM.INI files on the GoldMine server and/or the GoldMine client systems are not properly configured to support Riva.

To prevent this issue

  • On the GoldMine server - ensure that the GM.INI file contain lines similar to

    SysDir=\\gm-server\sharename\path-to-GoldMine-server (where GM.INI is located)


    \Program Files\GoldMine\

For the SysDir= line, GoldMine supports both the UNC path and mapped drives. Riva cannot recognize mapped drives and must read the SysDir= as a UNC path.

Riva on a GoldMine client system

If Riva is installed on a Windows system that is just a GoldMine client system, the GoldMine connection wizard cannot complete unless there is a local GoldMine license file. Place a copy of the license file in the same folder as the local GM.INI file.

When Riva attempts to sync data to the CRM, connection attempts fail with an error that Riva cannot find the GoldMine license file on the GoldMine server. This is caused because the GM.INI files on the GoldMine server and/or the GoldMine client systems are not properly configured to support Riva.

To prevent this issue:

  • On the GoldMine server, ensure that the GM.INI file contain lines similar to:

    SysDir=\\gm-server\sharename\path-to-GoldMine-server (where GM.INI is located)


    \Program Files\GoldMine\

  • On the GoldMine client system, ensure that in the GM.INI file,

    there is no SysDir= line
    there is a realini= line that points to the UNC path of GM.INI on the GoldMine server


    realini=\\GMS1\gms\Program Files\GoldMine\gm.ini

For the "SysDir=" and "realini=" lines, GoldMine supports both the UNC path and mapped drives. Riva cannot recognize mapped drives and must read both of those paths as a UNC path.

Step 3: Prepare a Riva Connection User Account in GoldMine

When a single CRM connection is used to synch multiple users, the Riva connection must be configured to use the credentials of a CRM account that has the necessary privileges in the CRM to access the target user accounts. For GoldMine, choose one of the following options:

  • use an existing "master" account, or
  • create a "master" account in GoldMine for Riva, for example rivacrm or riva_svc

Note that the account must not be an undocked user account. This can be verified in the GoldMine License Manager: Tools > Configure > License Manager.

The "master" account provides the privileges required to impersonate each target user and make the necessary changes to records in the CRM for each target user.

The Riva connection to GoldMine uses the Enterprise Impersonation Model: When Riva creates new items in the CRM, it assigns ownership to the "target user". Since Riva is now acting on behalf of the target user, all audit fields in the CRM do record the target user as the user that created and modified the item. Riva uses the permissions of the CRM target user to create and modify items and data in the CRM.

If the access permissions defined for the target user are not sufficient, the Riva server displays Access denied errors for each data change it tries to synchronize. Ensure that for each target user, permissions are assigned to create, modify, delete, import, and export datatypes that Riva will attempt to sync for that user.

Step 4: Prepare the Target User Accounts in GoldMine

Goldmine 9+

For Riva to support CRM impersonation in GoldMine 9+ systems, ensure that one or both of the following conditions are met:

  • A synced user's GoldMine user name is identical to the prefix of the user's Exchange primary SMTP email address:

    Example: GoldMine user name jappleseed matches the prefix for jappleseed@dev03-ex07.com

  • The reply-to email address of a synced GoldMine user matches the prefix of the user's Exchange primary SMTP email address:

    To check for this value, navigate to Tools > User Settings > Preferences > Email. In those cases where multiple email addresses are configured for a target user, each of the target user's email addresses must be configured to use the same value for the return email address.

If neither of those conditions is met, Riva cannot impersonate into the target CRM account in GoldMine, unless the Riva sync policy is configured to use a CSV user mapping file. See Format of a CSV mapping file and Configuring Riva to use the CSV file.

GoldMine 8.5 systems

For GoldMine 8.5 systems, Riva supports CRM impersonation only if the sync policy is configured to use a CSV user mapping file. See Format of a CSV mapping file and Configuring Riva to use the CSV file.

Step 5: Gather Information Required for Creating the Riva GoldMine Connection

Gather the following information:

  • The GoldMine username and password of the Riva connection account.
  • The GoldMine "System" path, that is, the path to the GoldMine installation on the local system where Riva is installed.
  • The "GoldMine" and "Common" names. (Values are found in the GM.INI file on the GoldMine server.)
  • The SQL login username and password. (Usually not required.)

That information is required when you create a Riva connection to the GoldMine system.

Article ID: 415
Last updated: 21 Sep, 2022
Revision: 13
Views: 10437
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