Minimum requirements: Riva Sync 2021.2, Salesforce, and Outlook.
Note: We currently have limited support for syncing interactions from Google meetings. For information, contact the Riva Success Team.
Salesforce Financial Services Cloud (FSC) Interaction Summaries help bankers and financial advisors build and deepen customer relationships. For developer information, see this page on Capture and Share Interaction Summaries.
How Riva Can Help
Riva’s relationship engine can sync the meetings of financial institutions as interactions in Salesforce. Users can use Riva compliance and security tools to ensure the data is protected.
How Does Interaction Sync Work?
Unidirectional Interaction Sync
- When a meeting from Outlook is synced to Salesforce as an event, Riva can also sync it as an interaction. The 'Related to' field on the event provides a link to the interaction.
- Attendee details can be found on the Related tab, in the Interaction attendee section.
- An Interaction Attendee can be set as a CRM user or a contact.
- The Attendee Response can be captured in a custom field.
- The Attendee Type is set based on the domain: Internal or External.
- The Interaction Type and Location can be set with an advanced option.
- Three attendee subscription modes are supported: Full, Hybrid, and Pure.
- Interactions do not support recurring meetings.
Bidirectional Interaction Sync
- When an Interaction is created in Salesforce, Riva can sync it as an appointment in Outlook. This Interaction can be related to an event and will be treated as the source of truth for updates and deletes.
- Appointment created in Exchanges uses Interactions start and end dates.
- When an Interaction is related to a recurring series, Riva will create a single appointment in Exchanges using the start and end dates of the interaction.
- The interaction type in Salesforce needs to be Phone, In Person, or Conference for it to be synced as an appointment in Outlook.
- Email type interactions will be skipped from getting created in outlook as appointments.
- Any updates or edits made to the appointment in Outlook will be synced back to the interaction.
- Interactions can be deleted from CRM and Riva will remove the appointment from the exchange calendar.
- Any updates made to the attendee list in the interaction also syncs over to the exchange appointment.
- Users also have the ability to just create events in Salesforce and Riva will sync those normally to Outlook.
- Users can take meeting notes for Interaction Summaries using Riva Insight Meeting Notes feature right from their Outlook mailbox.
- Interaction summaries are created for an Interaction when a user tracks their notes for a meeting or appointment from Outlook. Along with taking notes for the Interaction Summaries, users can also track (or relate) the interaction summaries to Accounts and Opportunity.
- When the users create the Interaction Summaries using Riva Insight, the Confidentiality Type gets updated based on the category or Classification prompt value.
- Users can add or update the Confidentiality Type for Interactions Summaries either by using Categories or Classification Prompt.
- Users can add the Public or Confidential category while creating or updating an appointment.
- Notes taken via Riva Insight can be shared internally with the meeting attendees via email if a user chooses so.

Riva’s Configurable Security Layer Support for Interactions
If activated, Riva's Configurable Security Layer protects confidential meetings created in Outlook. The organizer (or sometimes an attendee) selects one of these privacy levels for the meeting.
- Shared: The meeting and attendee details are available on both the event and the interaction.
- Sensitive: The meeting and attendee details are available only on the interaction, whereas the event is privatized.
- Restricted: Both the event and the interaction are privatized.
Depending on the configuration, the privacy level is set by categorizing the meeting in Outlook or by using a button in the Classification Prompt.
Riva’s Classification Prompt Support for Interactions
In Riva Insight 2021.3 or higher, organizations can use Classification Prompt as a compliance and security tool.
Classification Prompt can be used with Riva's Configurable Security Layer to prompt the organizer (and sometimes an attendee) to set a privacy level to secure the data if required.
For an overview and the beginning of the configuration process, see Classification Prompt, by Riva.
Riva Sync Options: Manual Sync, Match by Visibility, and Data Flows
The manual sync and match by visibility functionalities are available when configuring a sync policy for Exchange or Office 365.
- Manual sync: Riva Sync can be configured to require end users to manually select items that need to be synced to Salesforce by assigning a category in Outlook. Alternatively, end users can use Riva Insight Track in CRM.
- Match by visibility: Riva can be configured to match items based on permissions or visibility in Salesforce.
Riva's data flows make the handling of MNPI comply with industry regulations.
- Advanced configurations integrate Riva with existing company rules and compliance requirements.
Configuring Riva to Sync Meetings Created in Exchange as FSC Interactions
For an integrated configuration of Riva to sync meetings created in Exchange as FSC interactions, contact the Riva Success Team.