Article ID: 1053
Last updated: 30 Nov, 2015
Some customers report timeout from GoldMine when GoldMine processes queries for initial sync for contacts, calendar and task items. The default upper limit is 500 items per query per sync poll by item type. If there were more than 500 items, Riva will submit an additional query to obtain the next batch of 500 items. App.Setting OptionRiva 2.4.29+ includes a custom option that can be set in the service .config file that will control the maximum number of items to query and process per poll. To manage: Apply the following custom option and key in the app.setting service .config file: <add key="GoldMine.MaxRetrieved" value="###" /> where value is an integer that indicates to max value <add key="GoldMine.MaxRetrieved" value="50" />