Article ID: 1018
Last updated: 07 Oct, 2013
Several customers reported an issue with Riva not syncing calendar items for several hours after the user saved the create of a calendar item. The customer was hosting GroupWise 2012 on OES Linux servers and the Riva 2.4.34. Error in the LogExamination of the crmgw log file revealed: 2013-08-22 11:10:54,225 WARN [CTP-cvx #2] [2DGLVCM50MBK] [CL: x9fdae50a113d65cc; M:x23165f9f28253d59] There is a large time difference between GroupWise and the CRM: -04:00:00
2013-08-22 11:10:54,225 INFO [CTP-cvx #2] [2DGLVCM50MBK] Local Time: 2013-08-22 11:10:54 CRM Time: 2013-08-22 11:10:54 GroupWise Time: 2013-08-22 07:10:54 Time Difference: -04:00:00 Processing Time: 0 CauseThis customer was located in Eastern US in "Eastern Time Zone" and the time zone offset between UTC and Eastern was 4 hours. It appears that Riva was not picking up the correct time offset for GroupWise. Internal lab testing confirmed that this issue only affects GroupWise 2012. Earlier versions of GroupWise do not suffer from the same errors. ResolutionThe following procedure has resolved this issue for several customers:
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Article ID: 1018
Last updated: 07 Oct, 2013
Revision: 1
Views: 4534
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