Riva CRM Integration - Documentation and Knowledge Base

Riva Custom Option for "Dry Run Mode"

Article ID: 1021
Last updated: 13 Apr, 2018

This article applies to Riva 2.4.35 through Riva 2.4.46. For a much simpler process, see Dry Run Mode in Riva 2.4.47 or higher.

In some circumstances, reconfiguring Riva can affect data sync for existing target users. Before enabling a sync policy after making changes, Riva administrators can run Riva in "Dry Run Mode" to determine if there will be data sync issues.

Sometimes, changing a CRM connection or email system connection affects the existing users' visibility into previously synced items; specifically, previously synced data may be mass deleted or additional copies of previously synced data may be mass created.

Dry Run Mode

In Riva 2.4.35 through 2.4.46, an advanced option can be applied to a sync policy to run in "Dry Run Mode". It is typically used when

When "Dry Run Mode" is enabled, sync processes run as normally, except that all data operations are skipped:

  • Data updates are displayed as skipped items, as those are normal.

  • Creates and Deletes are displayed as errors, as those would be indicative of a problem with a Riva re-configuration.

Advanced Option

To enable Dry Run Mode:

To disable Dry Run Mode:

  • Remove the Sync.Crm.DryRunMode.Enabled = true advanced option.


Warning: Riva will write changes to the transaction records while in dry-run mode, but it will not change the data in the CRM or email system. For this reason, if dry-run mode is enabled, the transaction records need to be reset back to pre-dry-run mode before disabling dry run mode and enabling normal sync. If you are not comfortable with these procedures, contact the Riva Success Team and ask for assistance.

Use the following procedures to use the "dry run mode" advanced options.

To set a sync policy to dry run mode and test the results:

  1. Confirm that the version of Riva installed is at least 2.4.35 and no more than 2.4.46. See Determine which version is installed. If the version is below 2.4.35, we recommend contacting the Riva Success Team to upgrade Riva to version 2.4.47 and to use the much simpler process described in Dry Run Mode in Riva 2.4.47 or higher.

  2. In the CRM Service Monitor, stop the service.

  3. Recommended: In the Windows Services window, disable the Omni CRM Agent for Exchange service.

  4. In the Riva Manager Application, select the Riva logo.

  5. In the About Riva window, near the top right corner, double-click the version number.

    Windows Explorer displays the contents of the Riva folder.

  6. MANDATORY: In Windows Explorer, make a copy of the \Riva\Configuration folder, for example, \Riva\Configuration-Pre-DryRunMode

  7. In the Riva Manager application, on the menu bar, select Policies. In the right pane, right-click each sync policy, and select Disable.

  8. Right-click the sync policy that you want to run "dry run mode" against, and select Edit.

  9. Select the General page. While holding down the CTRL key, double-click the Name: label beside the text box.

    Windows Explorer displays the contents of the transactions folder for the sync policy.

  10. MANDATORY: Make a copy of the \Lookup folder, for example, \Lookup-Pre-DryRunMode.

    This action ensures that you have a copy of the transaction records for each user in the sync policy that is in the PRE-"dry run mode" state.

  11. Minimize both Windows Explorer windows.

  12. In the Riva Manager application, in the Edit Synchronization Policy window, on the General page, remove any users that you do not want to run dry run mode against.

  13. Select the Advanced Options page, and select Custom Options.

  14. In the Custom Options edit window, add the Sync.Crm.DryRunMode.Enabled advanced option key, and set the value to true.

  15. Select OK to save the custom option, and then save the sync policy. When prompted to start the service, select No.

  16. In the Windows Services window, enable the Omni CRM Agent service (if disabled at step 2).

  17. Start the Riva CRM Service Monitor application. Start the service.

  18. In the Riva Manager application, right-click the sync policy that is in dry run mode, and select Enable.

  19. In the Riva CRM Service Monitor application, observe the sync poll, and confirm if Riva syncs data as expected. Specifically, let a full sync cycle complete for each target user, and watch the CRM Monitor application for signs of mass item creates or deletes for each target user. After one or two sync polls have completed, stop the service.
  • If you have noticed mass creates or deletes, check the most recent crmex-log file for errors, and contact the Riva Success Team immediately for instructions. DO NOT start the sync service again.
  • If Riva syncs data as expected, proceed with the remaining steps to restore normal sync operations.

To restore normal operations:

  1. In the CRM Service Monitor, stop the service.

  2. Recommended: In the Windows Services window, disable the Omni CRM Agent for Exchange service.

  3. In Windows Explorer where the \Lookup folder is visible, do as follows:
    1. rename the \Lookup folder, for example, "\Lookup-Post-DryRunMode".
    2. rename the \Lookup-Pre-DryRunMode folder to be \Lookup.
      Step b resets the transaction folder data to be in the PRE-"dry run mode" state.
  4. In the Riva Manager application, edit the sync policy that is in dry run mode. Remove the Sync.Crm.DryRunMode.Enabled advanced option. Select OK, and save the sync policy. When prompted to start the service, select No.

  5. In the Windows Services window, enable the Omni CRM Agent service (if disabled at step 2).

  6. In the Riva CRM Service Monitor application, start the service.

  7. In the Riva Manager application, right-click the sync policy that is in dry run mode, and select Enable.

  8. In the Riva CRM Service Monitor application, observe the sync poll and confirm that Riva syncs data as expected. Let a minimum of three sync polls complete.

  9. In the CRM Service Monitor, stop the service.

  10. In Windows Explorer, delete the \Riva\Configuration folder.

  11. In Windows Explorer, rename the \Riva\Configuration-Pre-DryRunMode folder to be \Riva\Configuration.

  12. Close the Riva Manager application, and restart it.

  13. Edit the sync policy that was in dry run mode, and confirm that all of the users have been added to the sync policy. Edit the custom options, and confirm that the Sync.Crm.DryRunMode.Enabled advanced option is not on the list of advanced options.

  14. Enable all of the sync policies that were previously disabled (at step 7 of Set a policy to dry run mode and test the results).

  15. In the CRM Service Monitor, restart the service, and confirm that normal sync has resumed.

Applies to

  • Riva On-Premise 2.4.35 through 2.4.46.

Article ID: 1021
Last updated: 13 Apr, 2018
Revision: 4
Views: 5746