Riva CRM Integration - Documentation and Knowledge Base
Advanced Options & Settings
Sync Modified SAP Hybris Sales Account Address to Contacts
(Riva On-Premise or higher.) When synchronizing contact changes, by default, changes to the accounts are not synchronized. If the account's address is modified, the related contact records are not reported as modified by...
Detect Closed SAP C4C Opportunities (and Other Closed Items)
Contents: Customize the detection of closed opportunities. Detect completed tasks, inactive contacts, etc. Customize the Detection of Closed Opportunities By default, Riva Cloud and Riva On-Premise automatically detect...
Sync SAP C4C Visits to Exchange
Riva Cloud and Riva On-Premise can be configured to sync SAP C4C visits to Exchange. On the Exchange calendar, the visits will be categorized with the default category name, SAP C4C. Implementation for Riva Cloud Contact the...
Sync Deleted Exchange Appointments as Cancelled in SAP C4C
Instead of syncing deleted Exchange appointments as deletions in SAP C4C, Riva Cloud and Riva On-Premise can be configured to sync them as cancelled in SAP C4C. Note: For the same sort of behaviour in the other direction, that is, if...