Riva CRM Integration - Documentation and Knowledge Base

Get Started: Riva Cloud Company

Article ID: 767
Last updated: 20 Sep, 2022

Welcome to the Get Started checklist for Riva Cloud Company subscriptions.

To get started with Riva Cloud Company:


  1. Ensure that you have a Riva Cloud account set up.
  2. Choose the Riva Cloud Company mode.
  3. Optional: Configure the admin user to be a non-syncing, admin-only user.

Preparing for the connections and sync policy.

  1. If applicable, prepare SAP for Riva.
  2. If applicable, prepare HCL Notes for Riva.
  3. Prevent duplicate data.

Creating connections and configuring the sync policy of individual users:

  1. If applicable, set up the Admin user sync policy.
  2. Add users to sync.
  3. Configure each user's connections and sync policy.

Riva Insight:

Finish adding users:

  • After testing Riva Cloud Company to your satisfaction, add syncing users until you have consumed all the available license seats.

Now what?


  1. Ensure that you have a Riva Cloud account set up.
  2. Choose Riva Cloud Company mode.
  3. Optional: Configure the admin user to be a non-syncing, admin-only user.

Preliminaries — Step 1: Setting Up a Riva Cloud Account

Contact us to create the Riva Cloud subscription admin user (the account holder). We highly recommend using a generic email address (for example, rivasvc@example.com) when setting up a new Riva Cloud subscription. This will prevent future issues if the individual who registers a new Riva Cloud subscription leaves the organization. This email address can be

  • a unique service account mailbox,
  • an email alias to an existing user mailbox, or
  • an email address of a distribution group or list.

Preliminaries — Step 2: Choose Riva Cloud Company Mode

After setting up your account, you see the Riva Cloud Get Started page

To choose the Riva Cloud Company mode:

  1. On the Riva Cloud Get Started page, select 1. Choose your Mode.

  2. Read the information that appears in Riva Cloud.

  3. Select Company mode.

To confirm that your subscription is in Company mode:

  1. Log in to Riva Cloud as your Riva Cloud admin user.

  2. On the menu bar, select Dashboard.

  3. Look to the right, under the Help and Contact Us icons.

    Expected result: You can see "You are in Company Mode".

Preliminaries — Step 3:

Preparing for the connections and sync policy

  1. If applicable, prepare SAP for Riva.
  2. If applicable, prepare HCL Notes for Riva.
  3. Prevent duplicate data.

Prevent Duplicate Data

Have you already synced data with the Outlook CRM plug-in or manually copied CRM calendar or contact data into Exchange? If so, before using Riva Cloud, to avoid duplicate entries, see Preventing duplicates: Dealing with Outlook and HCL Notes plug-ins.

You can also run into duplicate entries problems if you test Riva Cloud and Riva On-Premise against the same email and/or CRM users at the same time. If your user account has been configured in Riva Cloud or Riva On-Premise before, see Do not run Riva On-Premise twice against the same user.

Creating Connections and Configuring the Sync Policy of Individual Users

  1. If applicable, set up the admin user connections and sync policy.
  2. Add users to sync.
  3. Configure each user's connections and sync policy:

Creating and Configuring — Step 1: If Applicable, Set Up the Admin User Connections and Sync Policy

If you have configured the admin user as a non-syncing user (who does not consume a license count), this step does not apply to you.

If you want to change the admin user to a non-syncing admin user, you can still do so now.

Otherwise, by default, the user who registered for the Riva Cloud trial (the account holder) is set up as an administrator who is also a syncing user (and consumes a license count). You can accept the default configuration and configure the connections and sync policy for the admin user.

Creating and Configuring — Step 2: Add Users to Sync

Only admin users have the Users option available on the menu bar.

You can add syncing users to the Company account. For trial subscriptions, the limit is a total of five syncing users. For a paid subscription, the limit matches the total number of user seats purchased in the subscription.

To add users:

  1. Log in to https://www.rivacloud.com as an admin user.

  2. On the menu bar, select Users.

    Riva Cloud Company. On the menu bar, select Users.

    This takes you to the User Manager. Note that the primary user is already listed as a user.

  3. Near the top left corner of the User Manager, select Add User.

    Riva Cloud. The User Manager. To add a user.

  4. In the New User window, provide the details for the new user.

    Riva Cloud Company. The User Manager. New User window. This is where you add the details for a new user.

    For the Send Welcome Email option, select the desired recipient of the email that Riva Cloud Company will send:

    For the User Type option, select the desired user type:

  5. Select Save, and note that the new user appears in the User Manager.

  6. For every user you want to add, repeat steps 2–5.

    When the maximum limit has been reached, the Add User option is no longer visible in the User Manager.

Creating and Configuring — Step 3: Configure Each User's Connections and Sync Policy

In Company Mode, every user in the User Manager needs to be configured with a CRM connection, an email connection, and a sync policy before Riva Cloud can sync data for that user. There are two options to configure the syncing users in Company subscription accounts:

Individual users configure their own connections and sync policies

If the Send Welcome Email option is set to To user, the users receive an email from Riva Cloud.

Each user can log in to Riva Cloud and follow the procedure titled Set up a Riva Cloud user.

The admin user configures the syncing users

With this option, the Riva Cloud admin user can impersonate each syncing user and configure the user's connections and sync policy. The Riva Cloud admin needs the login credentials for each syncing user's CRM and email accounts.

To configure syncing users:

  1. Log in to Riva Cloud as an admin user.

  2. On the menu bar, select Users.

  3. Select the person icon, The person icon looks like the silhouette of a head and two shoulders., for the user.

  4. In the Please confirm dialog box, select OK to use your administrator rights while impersonating the user.

    Riva Cloud impersonates into the user's Riva Cloud Company user account where the admin user can configure the connections.

    Note: When admin users impersonate into a normal user's dashboard, they still see the Users option in the main menu bar, because an admin retains admin privileges when impersonating another user. This allows the admin to switch between impersonated users without having to log out and log back in.

  5. For each user that needs to be configured, follow these instructions: Set up a Riva Cloud user.

Article ID: 767
Last updated: 20 Sep, 2022
Revision: 27
Views: 8812

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