Riva CRM Integration - Documentation and Knowledge Base

Manage Target Users in Riva for GroupWise

Article ID: 567
Last updated: 15 Dec, 2015

In most environments, the "use impersonation" connection option is selected in the Riva for GroupWise sync policy. That typical configuration involves creating:

  • one Riva connection to GroupWise using the credentials of a service account that syncs all user mailbox accounts;
  • one Riva connection to the CRM using the credentials of an admin account that syncs all target user CRM accounts;
  • one Riva sync policy for a collection of target users. Riva does support multiple sync policies.

This article describes management tasks for target users:

How to disable/enable syncing for target users in a sync policy

Use these procedures to temporarily disable and re-enable data sync for all target users in a sync policy.

To disable data sync for a sync policy

Disable a sync policy to stop data sync to all target users of that policy. As soon as the policy is disabled, Riva will stop syncing the target users on the next full sync cycle.

  1. Start the Riva Manager application. On the menu bar, select Policies.

  2. In the right pane, right-click the sync policy for the desired target users, and select Disable.

    On the next sync cycle, the Riva CRM Agent service stops syncing data to the disabled users.

  3. In the Riva CRM Monitor application, confirm that data sync to the target users has stopped.

To enable data sync for a sync policy

Enable a sync policy to start data sync to all target users of that policy. As soon as the policy is enabled, Riva will start syncing the target users on the next full sync cycle.

  1. Start the Riva Manager application. On the menu bar, select Policies.

  2. In the right pane, right-click the policy for the desired disabled sync policy, and select Enable.

    On the next sync cycle, the Riva CRM Agent service will resume syncing data to the re-enabled users.

  3. In the Riva CRM Monitor application, confirm that data sync to the target users has resumed.

How to disable/enable syncing for single target user

Use these procedures to temporarily disable and re-enable data sync for a specified target user.

Remove the user to disable data sync temporarily to a target user

To temporarily stop syncing to a specific target user, remove them from their assigned sync policy. As soon as the policy is saved, Riva will stop syncing data to the removed target user.

  1. Start the Riva Manager application. On the menu bar, select Policies.

  2. In the right pane, right-click the policy for the desired target user, and select Edit.

  3. On the menu bar, select General. In the GroupWise target user list, select the user to disable, and click remove >>.

  4. Save the sync policy.

    On the next sync cycle, the Riva CRM Agent service stops syncing data to the removed user.

  5. In the Riva CRM Monitor application, confirm that data sync to the target user has stopped.

Note: The removed user remains visible in the user queue in the CRM Monitor application until the service is stopped/started or restarted.

Add the user to re-enable data sync to a target user

In short: To re-enable sync to a target user previously removed, re-assign them to the sync policy. As soon as the policy is saved, Riva will start syncing data to the re-enabled target user.

Detailed procedure

  1. Start the Riva Manager application. On the menu bar, select Policies.

  2. In the right pane, right-click the policy for the desired disabled target user, and select Edit.

  3. Click add >>, and follow the steps to add the previously removed user back into the GroupWise target user list.

  4. Save the sync policy.

    On the next sync cycle, the Riva CRM Agent service resumes syncing data to the re-enabled user.

  5. In the Riva CRM Monitor application, confirm that data sync to the target user has restarted.

How to permanently remove a user

  1. Change the user's password in eDirectory/GroupWise.

    That should prevent the user from accessing important data.

    IMPORTANT for appointments & tasks. Removing Riva synced appointments,events, and/or tasks from GroupWise will also remove them from the CRM. As a best practise, re-assign all tasks and appointments to another CRM user before performing a re-init on the user being removed.

  2. Clear the previously synced data. Use the reinitialize option to remove previously synced data from the user's GroupWise mailbox.

  3. Remove the target user from the sync policy.

  4. Remove the target user's transaction data (optional).

  5. Remove the target user's sync log files (optional).

  6. Release the license count for the removed user so that the license can be re-used when adding a new target user.

How to clear previously synced data (optional)

Caution: This is a destructive and non-recoverable procedure. Use this procedure to clear previously synced data from the user's GroupWise mailbox account:

  1. Start the Riva Manager application. On the menu bar, select Policies.

  2. Edit the policy for the user to be permanently removed.

  3. On the Sync Start Time page, select the Re-Initialize All option.

  4. Set the Synchronization Start Time option to 20 years into the future.

  5. Clear the check boxes next to all of the target users except for the user to be permanently removed.

  6. Save the sync policy.

    On the next sync cycle for that user, Riva removes all previously synced data from the GroupWise mailbox.

  7. In the CRM Service Monitor application, confirm that the user has been cleared.

How to remove the target user's transaction data

To permanently remove the transaction data files for a recently removed target user

  1. Start the Riva Manager application. On the menu bar, select Policies.

  2. Edit the policy to which the removed target user was assigned;

  3. On the General page, hold down the CTRL key, and double-click the Name label.

    Windows Explorer displays the contents of the root of the transaction folder for that policy.

  4. Navigate to the Lookup folder' and remove the folder for the removed target user, for example IMSAMPLE$MYCOMPANY$COM or USER.PO.DOM$RIVASVC$MYDOMAIN$COM.

  5. Close Windows Explorer and the sync policy edit window.

How to remove the target user's sync log files

  1. Open the Riva Manager application.

  2. In the top left corner, double-click the Riva logo.

  3. In the About Riva window, in the top right corner, double-click the Riva release version number.

    Windows Explorer displays the contents of the root if the Riva installation folder.

  4. Navigate to the CRM Integration Logs folder, and remove the removed target user's logs folder, for example cn=username,ou=users,o=riva, or username.po.dom.

  5. Close Windows Explorer and the sync policy edit window.

How to release the license

Riva recalculates license counts only when the CRM Agent sync service is started or re-started.

  1. In the Riva CRM Monitor application, stop the service.

  2. In the Riva Manager application, in the top left corner, double-click the Riva logo.

  3. In the About Riva window, in the top right corner, double-click the Riva version information.

  4. In Windows Explorer, navigate to the \Licenses folder.

  5. Delete the {guid_crm}.licensees file.

  6. In the Riva CRM Monitor application, start the service, and confirm that the deleted target user has been removed from the user queue.

  7. In Windows Explorer, confirm that a new {guid_crm}.licensees file appears in the \Licenses folder.

  8. In the Riva Manager application, on the menu bar, select Policies. In the right pane, right-click one of the sync policies, and select License Details. Confirm that one additional user count has been returned to the license pool and is available for a new target user.

  9. Close the License Details window.

How to add a target user

Users can be added to a sync policy once initial data sync testing has been completed and the sync policy has been modified so that you are satisfied that Riva is syncing data between GroupWise and the CRM in an expected manner.

There are two methods to add target users:

Add new target users

The steps to add new users for each type of GroupWise connection are different. Refer to the following procedures:

How to handle pre-existing target users (how to move users between sync policies)

It is possible to move target users between sync policies. For instructions, contact the Riva Success Team.

Article ID: 567
Last updated: 15 Dec, 2015
Revision: 3
Views: 5180

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