Riva CRM Integration - Documentation and Knowledge Base

Manage Target Salesforce Users in a non-SSO enabled Riva Environment

Article ID: 516
Last updated: 13 May, 2016
WARNING: The Riva for Salesforce Single Sign-On connection strategy described in this article is not supported for new Riva On-Premise installations.

New Riva On-Premise installations include a new strategy to provide impersonation access into Salesforce: the Standard Impersonation Model. For instructions on implementing the Standard Impersonation Model, see Prepare Salesforce for Riva and Create and test a Salesforce connection.

For current Riva On-Premise installations that use Salesforce Single Sign-On, administrators are encouraged to upgrade their Riva for Salesforce connection setup to the Standard Impersonation Model. For assistance, contact the Riva Success Team.

The procedures in the following article have been deprecated. The information is being retained for clients who have not yet converted to the new Standard Impersonation Model.

In certain environment, customers elect to deploy the Riva for Salesforce.com without enabling the Riva DA-SSO service provider.  In those deployments, the typical configuration involves creating:

  • one Riva connection to Exchange or GroupWise with a server account that syncs all user mailbox accounts; 
  • one Riva Salesforce connection for each target Salesforce user;
  • one Riva sync policy for each target Salesforce user.

This article describes management tasks for target Salesforce users:

How to disable/enable synching for a target user

Use these procedures to temporarily disable and re-enable data sync to a specified Salesforce user.

To disable data sync temporarily to a target user

  1. Open the Riva management application.
  2. Under "Policies", right-click the policy for the desired target user and select "Disable".  On the next sync cycle, the Riva CRM Agent service will stop synching data to the disabled user.
  3. In the Riva CRM Monitor application, confirm that data sync to the target user has ceased.

To enable data sync to a target user

  1. Open the Riva management application.
  2. Under "Policies", right-click the policy for the desired disabled target user and select "Enable".  On the next sync cycle, the Riva CRM Agent service will resume syncing data to the re-enabled user.
  3. In the Riva CRM Monitor application, confirm that data sync to the target user has recommenced.

How to permanently remove a user

The following steps are required to permanently remove a target user.  They are described in detail below:

  1. Change the user's password in AD/Exchange.  That should prevent the user from accessing important data.

    IMPORTANT for appointments & tasks. Removing Riva synched appointments/events/tasks from Outlook/Exchange will also remove them from Salesforce.  As a best practise, re-assign all tasks and appointments to another Salesforce user before performing a re-init on the user being removed.  To preserve those items in Salesforce, perform a Re-init "Clear" which will remove all Riva-synched calendar and task items from the user's Exchange account but preserve those items in Salesforce.
  2. Select the user and select the Clear All option.  This will remove all data that has been synchronised by Riva to the user's Exchange mailbox.  This is especially important if mobile devices were enabled for Exchange synchronization.  Clearing Riva synched data will remove the contacts, leads, calendar items, tasks, and module email drop-folders from the user's Exchange account. 
  3. Remove the target user from the Riva sync policy.
  4. Release the license count for the removed user so that the license can be re-used when adding a new target user.

How to Clear Riva Synced Data

  1. Open the Riva application.
  2. Under "Policies", select and edit the policy to which the desired target user is assigned;
  3. Follow the steps to perform a re-initialize clear sync for all data. (see Re-initialization Options for Exchange Accounts for details). On the next sync cycle, the Riva CRM Agent service will clear the user's Exchange mailbox account and remove all contacts, leads, calendar items, tasks and AssignTo email drop folders for cases, opportunities, etc. that were synched by Riva to Exchange. 
  4. In the Riva CRM Monitor application, confirm that a clear re-initialization properly completed for the desired target user.
  5. In the Riva application, under "Policies", disable the target user's sync policy.

How to Permanently Remove the Target User

  1. Open the Riva application.
  2. Under "Policies", right-click the desired target user's sync policy and select "Remove".
  3. Under "Setup", right-click the desired target user's Salesforce connection and select "Remove".

Riva will continue to display the target user in the CRM Monitor application until the CRM Agent service is restarted.

How to Release the License

  1. In the Riva CRM Monitor application, STOP the service.
  2. In the Riva application, double-click the Riva logo (top left).
  3. In the "About Riva" window, double-click the Riva version information (top right).
  4. In Windows Explorer, navigate into the \Licenses folder.
  5. Delete the [guid_crmex].licensees file (for Exchange accounts) or the [guid_crm].licensees file (for GroupWise accounts).
  6. In the Riva CRM Monitor application, START the service.
  7. Confirm In the CRM Monitor application that the deleted target user has been removed from the user queue.
  8. Confirm in Windows Explorer that a new [guid_crmex].licensees file or [guid_crm].licensees file appears in the \Licenses folder.
  9. In the Riva application,under "Policies", right-click one of the sync policies and select "License Details".  Confirm that one additional user count has been returned to the license pool and is available for a new target user.  Close the "License Details" window.

How to add a new target user

Create a new user in an existing Riva server deployment can be easily accomplished by:

Enable Full Access Permissions to the target user's Exchange mailbox

When adding a new target user, it is critical that full access permissions for the target user's Exchange mailbox be enabled to the Riva connection account to Exchange.  Refer to Office 365, BPOS, Exchange 2010 and 2007 or Exchange 2003.

Create a Salesforce connection

  1. In the Riva application, under "Setup", run the Salesforce connection wizard to create a new connection for the target user using his login and password.
  2. Double-click the new Salesforce connection.
  3. Under "Connection Test", click the "Test Connection >>" link.
  4. In the succeeded test window, click OK.
  5. In the "CRM Connection Edit" window, click Cancel >>.

Create a target user sync policy

For this task, you can duplicate an existing sync policy and then modify it for the new user.

  1. In the Riva application, under "Policies", right-click an existing Sync Policy that best matches the settings needed for the new target user, and select DuplicateThis will create a disabled COPY of the duplicated sync policy.
  2. Double-click the disabled COPY sync policy.
  3. Under "General", modify the Name: field to reflect a name for the new target user.
  4. For the CRM Connection: click the select >> link and select the Salesforce connection for the new target user.
  5. For the Exchange Accounts: (or GroupWise Accounts: as applicable), highlight the existing user and click remove >>.
  6. Click the add >> link and add the email account for the new target user.
  7. Check the rest of the sync policy and make any desired changes.
  8. Save the sync policy.

Initialize the new target user

  1. Open the CRM Monitor application.  The new target user should not be in the user sync queue yet.
  2. In the Riva application, under "Policies", right-click the new sync policy and select Enable.
  3. In the CRM Monitor application, confirm that the new target user has been added to the user sync queue and that Riva is able to complete the initial sync cycle.

How to reset a Salesforce Password

Each individual Salesforce connection uses the credentials of the target Salesforce user.  If the user or the Salesforce admin changes the Salesforce password for that user, the credentials in the user's Riva connection to the Salesforce account will no longer match.

When a user's Salesforce password is changed, the Riva connection to that Salesforce account must be changed to reset the password:

  1. Open the Riva application.
  2. Under "Setup", double-click the Salesforce connection for the user.
  3. Provide the new password and save the connection.
  4. Double-click the Salesforce connection for the user.
  5. Under "Connection Test", click the Test Connection >> link.  There should be a successful connection message.
  6. Click OK to close the connection success window.
  7. Click Cancel >> to close the connection editor.
  8. Check the CRM Monitor to confirm that there are no LOGIN errors for that user.

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Article ID: 516
Last updated: 13 May, 2016
Revision: 4
Views: 5879
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