Article ID: 263
Last updated: 01 Nov, 2016
IssueThe release of Sugar 6.1 introduced a change to the logic for handling appointments that caused Riva On-Premise to remove the creator of appointments from the appointment's attendee list. The Sugar 6.1 change has no effect on Riva Cloud. For Riva On-Premise for Exchange environments that synchronize to Sugar 6.1, when a user creates a private appointment in the email client and assigns the Sugar category to the appointment (either manually or automatically), Riva synchronizes the new private appointment to Sugar, which removes the user as an attendee. On the next Riva sync cycle, Riva removes the user from the attendee list, which in effect deletes the private appointment from Exchange. For Riva On-Premise for GroupWise environments that synchronize to Sugar 6.1, when a user creates a private appointment in the Sugar child calendar, Riva synchronizes the new private appointment to Sugar, which removes the user as an attendee. On the next Riva sync cycle, Riva removes the user from the attendee list, which in effect deletes the private appointment from the user's GroupWise account. WarningIf you have upgraded Sugar to 6.1 and are running Riva On-Premise, stop the Riva synchronization service until you either implement the Sugar fix or the Riva On-Premise fix. SolutionsSugar Fix: Sugar Developer Zone has released the How To article Restore automatically inviting the organizer to calls and meetings, which restores the correct logic to the CRM system and resolves the issue. Riva On-Premise Fix: Riva On-Premise 2.4.20 or higher contains code to restore the user as an attendee to private appointments. Upgrade Riva On-Premise to the latest public release. Applies to
Article ID: 263
Last updated: 01 Nov, 2016
Revision: 5
Views: 7282
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