Riva CRM Integration - Documentation and Knowledge Base
Manage Your Connections
Manage Your Connections: Riva Cloud Corporate
Audience: Riva Cloud Corporate admin. To edit or manage a Riva Cloud Corporate CRM or email connection: On the Dashboard, locate the connection, and select Edit. Specifically, from the Dashboard, you can Convert an...
Manage Your Connections: Riva Cloud Company
Audience: Riva Cloud Company admins and the Riva Cloud Company users who manage their own connections. To edit or manage a Riva Cloud Company CRM or email connection: On the Dashboard, locate the connection, and select Edit. ...
Edit a Riva Cloud Connection for Salesforce to Use OAuth
You can create Riva Cloud connections to Salesforce that rely on OAuth security tokens. Existing customers can convert. What are the advantages? The user only has to approve OAuth once. From that point on, the approved OAuth security...
Enable Salesforce "Trusted Network Access" for Riva Cloud Connections
A Riva Cloud attempt to log in to Salesforce is authorized if it meets one of the following conditions: The connection uses an OAuth token (preferred default), or The connection and login originate from a trusted network IP...
Create a Traditional Salesforce Connection: Riva Cloud
The default Salesforce connection for Riva Cloud supports OAuth. The following instructions are for clients who prefer to use the older, traditional connection that requires trusted authentication. Riva Cloud supports connections to...