Riva CRM Integration - Documentation and Knowledge Base
Errors & Troubleshooting
Track Riva-Related Traffic in Exchange
Audience: Riva Administrators. Issue Exchange server traffic may spike from time to time. Troubleshooting Spikes in Exchange server loads must be traceable for troubleshooting purposes. Exchange administrators need to know which...
Riva Stops Exchange Mail Sync - No Error Issued: Solution
Audience: Riva administrators and users. This article applies to Riva Cloud and Riva On-Premise. Issue A single user notices that their Riva email synchronization has stopped, but the sync log does not display an error. Cause ...
Items That Were Previously Synced and Then Deleted Will not Resync in Email
Issue Riva displays the following error: Skipped Appointment in [Exchange, Google, or HCL Notes] - Skipping detected CRM change for a deleted or declined appointment that originated in [Exchange, Google, or HCL Notes]: Cause This...
Resolving an "Error Contains Filter Wrong Type" Issue
Issue in Riva Cloud or Riva On-Premise The following error appears in the sync logs: Error - Error occurred clearing items: an internal server error occurred: [Error Contains Filter Wrong Type] The Contains filter can only be used for...