These release notes provide a quick overview of what is new in the following release:
Release version: |
2021.1 |
Release date: |
January 16, 2021 |
What's New in Riva Cloud
New! Riva connections to Microsoft Dynamics CRM now support OAuth
- OAuth is the recommended authentication type for Microsoft Office 365 (Microsoft 365) online products.
- When you set the Dynamics CRM API Endpoint URL of a Microsoft Dynamics connection to Microsoft Dynamics CRM - Office 365, as on the screen shot, the OAuth authentication type appears in the Authentication field.
- You do not need to configure an OAuth app for Dynamics. Riva Cloud automatically takes care of all that for you.

Audit summary enhancement
- New! Starting on the release date, the Riva Cloud audit summary now captures when sync logs are viewed. Whenever someone views the sync logs of your subscription, an audit entry is generated and appears soon after in the audit summary as a ViewLogs configuration event.

- To view more details about the event: In the Detail column, click the words Sync Logs accessed. The Audit Entry Data appears and displays the name of the user who accessed the logs, from what time until when, and whose logs were viewed.
Fixed defect
Defect: When a CRM or email system connection could not be loaded, Riva Cloud displayed the Get Started page, where a new connection could be created. But, creating a new connection instead of being able to use the existing one caused various problems.
Fix: When a connection cannot be loaded, a Failed to Load error message appears. The screen shot shows an example where both connections failed to load.

- Action required on your part if you see the Failed to Load connection error message: contact the Riva Success Team.