These release notes provide a quick overview of what is new in the following release:
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What's New in This Release
Architectural Changes
Most of the improvements made in Riva On-Premise 3.0.60 are architectural changes that will be used in future releases to support new features.
Change of synchronization default for Exchange-originating recurring appointments
For sync policies created in Riva 3.0.60 or higher, when an Exchange recurring appointment is modified in the CRM, by default that modification is not synced to Exchange.
- Scope: Sync policies created in previous versions are not affected.
- Reason for the change: Due to the differences in recurring appointment models between Exchange and most CRMs, certain scenarios exist that can result in unexpected inconsistencies in a calendar when syncing changes CRM to EX. As such we have made this change to provide a more consistent experience for new users.
- Best practice: Modify Exchange-originating recurring appointments in Exchange, not in the CRM. For more information, see Best practice: Manage a meeting in the system it was created in.
- Tip: Sync policies created in Riva 3.0.59 or earlier can be updated to match this new default behaviour.
To prevent syncing to Exchange the changes made in CRM in recurring appointments that were created in Exchange:
Apply the following advanced option to the sync policy that was created in Riva 3.0.59 or earlier:
Sync.Ex.RecurringAppointments.ReadOnly = true
- Exception for sync policies that are created in Riva 3.0.60 or higher: If despite the above-mentioned potential issues, your company has a specific requirement to be able to update in the CRM Exchange-originating recurring appointments and sync those changes to Exchange, then apply the following advanced option to the sync policy:
Sync.Ex.RecurringAppointments.ReadOnly = false
New reminder, to assist Salesforce users
- The new reminder message box is issued when configuring a Salesforce sync policy, specifically when selecting or clearing this check box: "Email: Sync email to Salesforce as enhanced email".
- The reminder is to refresh the metadata.
Ability to copy and paste multiple advanced or custom options from one policy to another:
In the source policy, select multiple options and press CTRL+C.
In the destination policy, in the Policy Advanced Options window, in the large box, click on empty space, and press CTRL+V.
Note: If you click the Search field and press CTRL+V, only one key will be pasted.
If the Conflicting Keys Detected dialog box appears, select Override or Skip.
Result: The non-conflicting and override keys are added to the destination policy, but the skipped keys are not.
Note: If the keys were already in groups in the source policy and the groups did not exist the destination policy, the paste operation creates the groups.