The Riva Cloud release notes list the benefits of this release:
Release version: |
2017.6 |
Release date: |
November 23, 2017 |
Benefits of this Release
It's easier to relate our hours of operation to your time zone
- Just below our hours of operation, a link goes to a page where you can convert our hours of operation to your time zone. See our updated Contact Us page.
It's easier to rename users
- In previous versions of Riva Cloud, you had to contact the Riva Success Team and supply the new user name and contact email in a free-style text box. That process required filling out several fields of a formal request for technical support.
- Now, when you edit a user in the new User Manager, you can select Rename next to the Username field. A Rename User window appears. You enter only the new user name and your contact email and you select Send Request. Riva Cloud automatically sends us the rest of the required information. We will contact you when we have renamed the user for you. We typically process a user name change request within two business days.
Improved user management for Riva Cloud Corporate admins
Adding users to a sync policy or removing users no longer requires stopping and starting the policy.
Note: Changes to policy settings (other than adding or removing users) cause the policy to restart upon saving.
The Sync Logs button is now available to all Riva Cloud Company admins
On the Riva Cloud menu bar, the
button is now available to all Riva Cloud Company admins:
- Non-syncing admins.
- Syncing admins with a sync policy in place.
- Syncing admins without a sync policy in place.
We have a more commonly used default value for the IBM Notes calendar mode
- In earlier versions of Riva Cloud, the default value of the calendar mode for a new IBM Notes connection was Basic.
- Now it is C&S (Calendaring and Scheduling).
- That change in the default value does not affect existing connections. It affects only connections created in Riva Cloud 2017.6 or higher.
We have improved our email and CRM connection pages
- On every Riva Cloud email and CRM connection page, we have grouped the Update Password and Test Connection buttons together with the Cancel, Save, and Delete buttons, near the bottom of the page.