To access the User Manager:
User Manager is a page in Riva Cloud that allows for management of users under the policy.
The User Manager can be accessed using the main menu bar:
What Can You Do in the User Manager?
Search for specific users. Enter a few characters, select a filter, and click Search.
Select Filters to filter out specific users. Available filters:
- All: All users. (No filtering.)
- Enabled: Users who are enabled.
- Error: Users who currently cannot sync due to an error.
- Disabled: Users who are disabled.
- Admin: Users who are Riva Cloud administrators, whether they are admin-only users or admins who are synced by Riva.
View a general sync status box. For individual users' sync statuses, see H.)
For each general sync status box, a tool-tip on the top right displays important information. User statuses can be filtered when they are clicked:
- Active: Shows the "enabled" filter.
- Error: Show the "error" filter.
- Other: Removes all filters until a new filter is created.
Process multiple users at the same time:
- Select the check boxes next to the users that you want to process.
- Select With Selected.
- Select the operation to perform on all the selected users.
Select how many rows of users to see on one page of the User Manager. (Below the current page, to the left, you can navigate from one page to another. On the screen shot, see J.)
Display the data as a
List or as a
Select Columns to decide what to see in the User Manager next to every user name. You can select one or multiple items:
- Created: when a user was added.
- Last Sync: when the last sync occurred for a user.
- Name: a person's name.
Select the sort arrows,
, to sort the data alphanumerically by User name, person's Name, etc.
View an individual user's sync status.
Known issue: There may be some delay before a change of user sync status is displayed.
: The user is syncing without issues.
: The user is not syncing.
: The user is disabled.
View a list of all currently enrolled users. You may also see multiple accounts.
The list may be spread out on multiple pages, which you can
See the number of users and the total available license seats.
Note: If the Total User Count exceeds the Licensed Sync User Count, see Licensed user count discrepancy.