Riva CRM Integration - Documentation and Knowledge Base

Filter GroupWise Anniversary and Birthday Appointments

Article ID: 1393
Last updated: 28 Jan, 2016

By default, Riva 2.4.40+ automatically filters out GroupWise appointments whose subject line starts with "Anniversary:" or "Birthday:", so that they are not synced to the CRM.

The filtering is configurable.

To disable the filter

  • Apply the following advanced custom option to the GroupWise (Legacy) and/or GroupWise SDK connections:

    GroupWise.Appointment.IgnoreAllBirthdayAndAnniversary = False

    Note: The filter, by default, is set to True.

By default, the words that trigger the filter are "Anniversary:" and "Birthday:". Either word or both can be changed. The word can be replaced with a multi-word expression.

To change "Anniversary:" and/or "Birthday:"

  • Apply one or both of the following advanced custom options to the GroupWise (Legacy) and/or GroupWise SDK connections:

    GroupWise.AnniversaryAppointment.Subject.StartWith = [word(s) instead of "Anniversary:"]

    GroupWise.BirthdayAppointment.Subject.StartWith = [word(s) instead of "Birthday:"]

    Example: A French company may like to change "Birthday:" to "Anniversaire de naissance:".

    GroupWise.AnniversaryAppointment.Subject.StartWith = Anniversaire de naissance:

Applies to

  • Riva On-Premise 2.4.40+ for GroupWise (Legacy) and GroupWise SDK

Article ID: 1393
Last updated: 28 Jan, 2016
Revision: 4
Views: 5466