Riva CRM Integration - Documentation and Knowledge Base

SmartCloud Notes: Assign Permissions for Mail File Access

Article ID: 1380
Last updated: 30 Dec, 2015

For every target mailbox that will be synchronized, ensure that the minimum security access control is provided.

For SmartCloud Notes, the Domino server that is hosting the Riva Connector requires the following permissions as the minimum subset:

Access: Editor with “Delete documents”, “Create personal folders/views”, “Create shared folders/views”, “Replicate or copy documents”.

To ensure that the minimum security access control is provided

  1. From the SmartCloud Notes web-interface, edit the desired target user. Select the Manage Mail File Access action.

  2. Update the permission to ensure that the Domino server (for example, RivaServer/Servers/MyCompany) that is hosting the Riva Connector has the minimum permissions required for the sync activity.

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Article ID: 1380
Last updated: 30 Dec, 2015
Revision: 3
Views: 4332
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