Question: Customer asked "I have create a lot of users. Unfortunately I put them in the wrong groups (membership). Now I try to change that with a csv file but I don't understand it exactly. In addition, the group memberships will differ between users.
Answer: Create an input file that contains the group memberships for each user. To properly list multiple groups for a single user, specify the full context NDS name for each group and seperate the multiple groups using a ';' . See the following example:
"Group Membership","Distinguished Name","Login Name","Last Name","Given Name"
.cn=SampleGroup.ou=Users.o=Omni;.cn=SelfAdmin.ou=Users.o=Omn i,.UserA.Sample-Users.Users.Omni,UserA,Omni,UserA
.cn=SampleGroup.ou=Users.o=Omni;.cn=SelfAdmin.ou=Users.o=Omn i,.UserB.Sample-Users.Users.Omni,UserB,Omni,UserB |
Then use the following steps to implement the group membership changes:
STEP 1 - Select the created users:
- If all users were created in the same empty eDirectory container, you can highlight the container in the "NDS Information" pane in EMU, right-click and choose "Select All Users In Container".
- If users were created in a container with already existing users, or users were created in multiple containers, then you can select users by using the import file.
- From EMU Main Menu "Tools", select "Account Search Based on Data File"
- Click the "Select" button and select the .CSV file used to create the users.
- Select the Identifier Field from your .CSV file using the drop-down list (Note - select the field used for the login name or the disntinguished name).
- Select the eDirectory comparison field to match the "Identifier Field" selected above.
- Click the "Next" button and select the uppermost container in your tree to search, then click "OK".
- Highlight the desired names you need to modify Group Membership for from the list of users in the "Report Information" pane, right-click and choose "Select in NDS View".
STEP 2 - If users will be members of different group, select the users and remove their existing group membership.
- Select one of the highlighted users in the "NDS Information" pane and choose "Modify Account(s)".
- Click the "Groups" tab and the "Remove" button.
- Select the desired Groups from the "All NDS Groups in Search Containers" list that you want to remove from the Group Membership list for each user previously created.
- Click the "Modify" button.
STEP 3 - Select the users and add unique group membership.
- Select one of the highlighted users in the "NDS Information" pane and choose "Modify Account(s) from File".
- Select the multi group input .CSV file created above and click the "Open" button.
- Under the "Setup Information" tab, set the "Select Account Identifier Field:" to "Distinguished Name" or "Login Name" (the column from the input file that can be used to uniquely identify each user.
- Click the "Highlighted Accounts" button and ensure that all accounts in the "Account Information" list show a green circle.
- Under the "NDS" tab, check "Add User to Groups based on Import field" and select the group membership column name from the drop-down list.
- Click the "Modify" button.