Riva CRM Integration - Documentation and Knowledge Base

How to Modify Group Memberships With .CSV Files

Article ID: 156
Last updated: 13 Oct, 2010

Question:  Customer asked "I have create a lot of users. Unfortunately I put them in the wrong groups (membership). Now I try to change that with a csv file but I don't understand it exactly. In addition, the group memberships will differ between users.

Answer:  Create an input file that contains the group memberships for each user.  To properly list multiple groups for a single user, specify the full context NDS name for each group and seperate the multiple groups using a ';' .  See the following example:

"Group Membership","Distinguished Name","Login Name","Last Name","Given Name"
.cn=SampleGroup.ou=Users.o=Omni;.cn=SelfAdmin.ou=Users.o=Omn i,.UserA.Sample-Users.Users.Omni,UserA,Omni,UserA
.cn=SampleGroup.ou=Users.o=Omni;.cn=SelfAdmin.ou=Users.o=Omn i,.UserB.Sample-Users.Users.Omni,UserB,Omni,UserB

Then use the following steps to implement the group membership changes:

STEP 1 - Select the created users:

  1. If all users were created in the same empty eDirectory container, you can highlight the container in the "NDS Information" pane in EMU, right-click and choose "Select All Users In Container".
  2. If users were created in a container with already existing users, or users were created in multiple containers, then you can select users by using the import file.
    • From EMU Main Menu "Tools", select "Account Search Based on Data File"
    • Click the "Select" button and select the .CSV file used to create the users.
    • Select the Identifier Field from your .CSV file using the drop-down list (Note - select the field used for the login name or the disntinguished name).
    • Select the eDirectory comparison field to match the "Identifier Field" selected above.
    • Click the "Next" button and select the uppermost container in your tree to search, then click "OK".
    • Highlight the desired names you need to modify Group Membership for from the list of users in the "Report Information" pane, right-click and choose "Select in NDS View".

STEP 2 - If users will be members of different group, select the users and remove their existing group membership.

  1. Select one of the highlighted users in the "NDS Information" pane and choose "Modify Account(s)".
  2. Click the "Groups" tab and the "Remove" button.
  3. Select the desired Groups from the "All NDS Groups in Search Containers" list that you want to remove from the Group Membership list for each user previously created.
  4. Click the "Modify" button.

STEP 3  - Select the users and add unique group membership.

  1. Select one of the highlighted users in the "NDS Information" pane and choose "Modify Account(s) from File".
  2. Select the multi group input .CSV file created above and click the "Open" button.
  3. Under the "Setup Information" tab, set the "Select Account Identifier Field:" to "Distinguished Name" or "Login Name" (the column from the input file that can be used to uniquely identify each user.
  4. Click the "Highlighted Accounts" button and ensure that all accounts in the "Account Information" list show a green circle.
  5. Under the "NDS" tab, check "Add User to Groups based on Import field" and select the group membership column name from the drop-down list.
  6. Click the "Modify" button.

Article ID: 156
Last updated: 13 Oct, 2010
Revision: 1
Views: 6236