Riva CRM Integration - Documentation and Knowledge Base

Using GroupWise Resources for Managed Folders

Article ID: 74
Last updated: 30 Jul, 2010

Question:  Does Riva Managed Folders support using a GroupWise Resource as both the source and destination for the shared folders?

Answer:  Yes, Riva Managed Folders can use a GroupWise Resource as both a source and destination for a Managed Folder Policy.  Riva managed Folder policies are limited to identifying a single "Source" GroupWise user or resource object, so you will have to create a policy for each source user object to the target resource object.  We confimed this by executing a policy that pushed shared folders from source resource oject to a different target resource object.

We presume that you will copy data from the shared folders pushed to the GroupWise resource into new folders and then share those new folders out to your user community.
Applies to:  Riva Managed Folders Policy
Article ID: 74
Last updated: 30 Jul, 2010
Revision: 1
Views: 5315
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