Riva CRM Integration - Documentation and Knowledge Base

How eDirectory / GroupWise Schema is Extended when a Riva Enterprise Connection to GroupWise is Created

Article ID: 116
Last updated: 22 Oct, 2015

Question:  What changes are made to eDirectory and / or GroupWise when Riva CRM is installed and the connections are created?

Answer:  During the installation, Riva confirms that the eDirectory LDAP classes and attributes it requires for proper communication to eDirectory (via LDAP) and GroupWise (via SOAP and Admin APIs) are in place.  If they are not, Riva updates the mappings.  The update process is documented on steps 8 - 10 in Create and Test and Enterprise GroupWise Connection.

Most environments see a number of classes and attributes updated during the process.  After doing the update, Riva presents a summary window that allows the user to copy all of the attributes/classes that are updated and paste the information into a text file so they have the full list of what was updated on their system.

LDAP Mappings

Attribute Mappings made to the specified LDAP Group:
NDSName=Equivalent To Me$LDAPNames=equivalentToMe
NDSName=Facsimile Telephone Number$LDAPNames=facsimileTelephoneNumber
NDSName=Full Name$LDAPNames=fullName
NDSName=Given Name$LDAPNames=givenName
NDSName=Group Membership$LDAPNames=groupMembership
NDSName=Home Directory Rights$LDAPNames=ndsHomeDirectoryRights
NDSName=Last Login Time$LDAPNames=loginLastTime
NDSName=Locked By Intruder$LDAPNames=lockedByIntruder
NDSName=Login Disabled$LDAPNames=loginDisabled
NDSName=Login Expiration Time$LDAPNames=loginExpirationTime
NDSName=Login Grace Limit$LDAPNames=loginGraceLimit
NDSName=Login Grace Remaining$LDAPNames=loginGraceRemaining
NDSName=Login Intruder Address$LDAPNames=loginIntruderAddress
NDSName=Login Intruder Attempts$LDAPNames=loginIntruderAttempts
NDSName=Login Intruder Reset Time$LDAPNames=loginIntruderResetTime
NDSName=Login Maximum Simultaneous$LDAPNames=loginMaximumSimultaneous
NDSName=Login Time$LDAPNames=loginTime
NDSName=Members Of Template$LDAPNames=membersOfTemplate
NDSName=NGW: Domain$LDAPNames=ngwDomain
NDSName=NGW: File ID$LDAPNames=ngwFileID
NDSName=NGW: GroupWise ID$LDAPNames=ngwGroupWiseID
NDSName=NGW: Location$LDAPNames=ngwLocation
NDSName=NGW: Mailbox Expiration Time$LDAPNames=ngwMailboxExpirationTime
NDSName=NGW: Object ID$LDAPNames=ngwObjectID
NDSName=NGW: Post Office$LDAPNames=ngwPostOffice
NDSName=NGW: Visibility$LDAPNames=ngwVisibility
NDSName=Object Class$LDAPNames=objectClass
NDSName=Password Allow Change$LDAPNames=passwordAllowChange
NDSName=Password Expiration Interval$LDAPNames=passwordExpirationInterval
NDSName=Password Expiration Time$LDAPNames=passwordExpirationTime
NDSName=Password Minimum Length$LDAPNames=passwordMinimumLength
NDSName=Password Required$LDAPNames=passwordRequired
NDSName=Password Unique Required$LDAPNames=passwordUniqueRequired
NDSName=Physical Delivery Office Name$LDAPNames=physicalDeliveryOfficeName
NDSName=Postal Address$LDAPNames=postalAddress
NDSName=Postal Code$LDAPNames=postalCode
NDSName=Role Occupant$LDAPNames=roleOccupant
NDSName=Security Equals$LDAPNames=securityEquals
NDSName=See Also$LDAPNames=seeAlso
NDSName=Telephone Number$LDAPNames=telephoneNumber
Class List Mappings made to the specified LDAP Group:
NDSName=Organizational Role$LDAPNames=organizationalRole
NDSName=GroupWise Domain$LDAPNames=ngwDomain
NDSName=GroupWise Post Office$LDAPNames=ngwPostOffice
NDSName=GroupWise Distribution List$LDAPNames=gwDistributionList
NDSName=GroupWise Resource$LDAPNames=ngwResource
NDSName=GroupWise External Entity$LDAPNames=ngwExternalEntity

Other Changes

The only other change made to eDirectory during the installation is the creation of a GroupWise Trusted Application Key (unless the customer wants to use an existing GroupWise Trusted Application Key for Riva).  This is the standard process for other integration applications like BlackBerry Enterprise Server and Archiving software.

Applies to:  Riva On-Premise for GroupWise

Article ID: 116
Last updated: 22 Oct, 2015
Revision: 2
Views: 5045