Riva CRM Integration - Documentation and Knowledge Base

How to configure Riva first sync to handle previously synced environments

Article ID: 1075
Last updated: 03 Nov, 2015

This article provides some custom options that can be applied to sync policies that cover the following sutiations:

  • User mailboxes were moved from one Exchange system to another Exchange system

  • User mailboxes were moved within the Exchange system but "entryIDs" and "folderIDs" changed

  • Customers are implementing Riva in an environment where CRM and Exchange data were previously synced by another 3rd party service or plug-in


This concept is based on setting a date that draws "a line in the sand".  These custom options will get Riva to ignore calendar items that were previoulsy synced before that date, and not to sync those items if the user modifies them after that date.

Custom Option Key Value Explanation
Sync.Crm.ShouldFirstPollUseDate.Appointment false

Riva default is true.

By default, on first sync for appointments and tasks, Riva will query for all calendar items with a “StartDate” of the date/time identified on the policy as the “Historic Sync Start Time”.

Setting this option to false disables the default behaviour.  This will prevent Riva from syncing pre-existing CRM calendar items into Exchange thereby creating potential duplicate items.

Sync.Crm.SyncStartTimeOverride.Appointment 2014-01-15

Uses a date format of YYYY-MM-DD.

By default, on subsequent syncs for appointments and tasks, the “modified date” is queried to detect changes. This value is set for all users on the policy. This will prevent Riva from syncing appointment items that were modified before the specified date.

Sync.Crm.MinStartDate 2014-01-15

Uses a date format of YYYY-MM-DD.

Sets new minimum start sync start date for first time sync from CRM to Exchange.  Riva will not sync anything scheduled before the defined date.  Over-rides the default sync start date/time specified in the sync policy.

Sync.Ex.MinStartDate 2014-01-15

Uses a date format of YYYY-MM-DD.

Sets new minimum start sync start date for first time sync from Exchange to CRM.  Riva will not sync anything scheduled before the defined date.  Over-rides the default sync start date/time specified in the sync policy.  This option is only required in the Sync.Crm.FirstSyncExistingItemOption is used (see below)




This sets the first time sync poll to sync Exchange to CRM.  If the custom option “Sync.Ex.MinStartDate” is set to a recent date in the past, Riva will not sync items to the CRM (except the few new items that may have been created after the defined date). 

In effect, we use this to prevent “Lost & Found” from being created.  Since first time sync direction is from Exchange to CRM, Riva will not look for already categorized items in the Exchange mailbox.  2.4.36 includes module level options.

Article ID: 1075
Last updated: 03 Nov, 2015
Revision: 2
Views: 4077