Riva CRM Integration - Documentation and Knowledge Base
Prepare intelecrm for Riva
Riva On-Premise supports data integration with intelecrm On-Premise, intelecrm Cloud Edition, and intelecrm Hosted. This article describes how to prepare an intelecrm server and the Riva server, to support a Riva impersonation CRM...
Sugar: Error "Access Denied" Explanation
When Riva Cloud or Riva On-Premise attempts to sync with Sugar, four possible scenarios may cause Sugar to issue Access Denied errors. In the most common scenario, permissions are not set up properly in Sugar to support Riva's...
Recommendations for Performance Tuning and Resource Planning for CRM Hosted on LAMP/WAMP
(Applies to Riva Cloud and Riva On-Premise.) Performance is always a concern. Sugar is highly scalable. When planning for system resources, some key aspects must be taken into account. Always follow the performance tuning...
Performance Tuning: Sugar - 1CRM (info@hand) - intelecrm - SuiteCRM
Background On occasion, a deployment of the Riva On-Premise server can cause so many Apache instances to be created on the Sugar host server that it utilizes all of the available memory. This results in an unusable Sugar server that...