Riva CRM Integration - Documentation and Knowledge Base

Available Field Mappings for Marketo <-> CRM

Article ID: 1474
Last updated: 07 Mar, 2017

Following are the field mappings supported by Riva for Marketo. Not all fields are available with all CRMs or supported by the CRMs’ integration APIs. For CRMs that do not support these fields, Riva can provide mapping to alternative or custom CRM fields to satisfy the Marketo sync.



Lead/Account Default Field Mappings Contact/Account Default Field Mappings
Salutation Salutation
FirstName FirstName
MiddleName MiddleName
LastName LastName
Title Title
Address Home StreetAddress
City Home City
State Home StateProvince
Country Home Country
PostalCode Home ZipPostal
Phone HomePhone
MobilePhone MobilePhone
Fax Fax
Department Department
DateofBirth Birthday
Company OrganizationName
BillingStreet office StreetAddress
BillingCity office City
BillingState office StateProvince
BillingCountry office Country
BillingPostalCode office ZipPostal
MainPhone Office Phone
Opportunity Default Field Mappings Opportunity Default Field Mappings
Amount Amount
CloseDate CloseDate
CompanyId CompanyId.
Description Description
ExpectedRevenue ExpectedRevenue
FiscalQuarter FiscalQuarter
FiscalYear FiscalYear
ForecastCategoryName ForecastCategoryName
IsClosed IsClosed
IsWon IsWon
LastActivityDate LastActivityDate
LeadSource LeadSource
Name Name
NextStep NextStep
Probability Probability
Stage Stage
Type Type
Additional Marketo Lead/Account Custom Fields Contact/Account Custom Field Mappings

Riva can be configured to automatically detect the following fields and sync the data if there is an exact match in CRM. By creating the following fields in CRM and applying an advanced configuration option, Riva will automatically match and sync data between the fields.

If CRM is the “master”, customers can implement a unidirectional sync from CRM to Marketo for certain contacts and fields. This can be customized for different use cases.

behaviorScore Marketo behaviorScore and behaviorScore Activity History are pushed from Marketo to CRM.
CrmAccount_Id Based on customer requirements, we can add customizations to Riva for Marketo to integrate more Activity History and implement campaigns, lists, and program syncing between Marketo and the CRMs that support those objects.

Article ID: 1474
Last updated: 07 Mar, 2017
Revision: 7
Views: 4575